The Kane County Doll and Toy Show– My Goodies!

This weekend was the Kane County Doll and Toy Show.  This event is at the Kane Country Fairgrounds and is held 2 to 3 times a year.  Hundreds of vendors bring in their wares to tempt us crazy, impulsive doll and toy collectors.  All in all, this weekend, I think my mom and I did really well.  Want to see what I got my hands on????

Madame Alexander Lucy Bride (1948):

The person who sold this adorable 17″ Lucy Bride to me is a Madame Alexander collector herself.  Her prices were fantastic and were perfect for people like me who are just starting to walk the path of vintage Madame Alexander collecting.  She was knowledgable about the doll, pointing out what was and wasn’t original and seemed to genuinely want to have the doll go to a good home, as opposed to just wanting money in her pocket.

Skipper Bunk Bed Set:

For a few years now, I’ve had a backdrop of Skippers bedroom that originally went with this bunk bed set.  Finally, I have the bunk beds to go with it!  My mom spotted this at a great price.  Again, the owner seemed really appreciative that the set was going to a collector who would love it (like me!).  It’s missing the foam inserts and a pillow case, but everything else is great!

Also picked up at the show was a redressed Blonde Kevin doll and a MIB Cool Tops Brunette Kevin.

All in all, I love the items I picked up this weekend.  I can’t wait to do it again (though my pocket book might recommend waiting!).

October 26, 2011. Tags: . Uncategorized.


  1. barbielea replied:

    Love the Skipper diorama!

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Thanks for stopping by the blog! I really like the bedroom set, too. I just wish I could blow up the background a bit so it was easier to get wide shots. Btw, nice blog!

  2. barbielea replied:

    Cheers chuck, same back at you! Even if you can’t get wide shots with your Skipper room, having a decent background makes such a difference …. Since seeing this, I’ve been thinking of making my own backgrounds but I’m backlogged on so many projects, it might have to wait for a while! Wishing you happy collecting, will pop by again 🙂

  3. Collection Close Up: Hard Plastic Madame Alexander’s | Confessions of a Doll Collectors Daughter replied:

    […] 2011, I picked up a 1953 17″ Lucy Bride from the Kane County show. She was a total ‘love at first sight’ doll.  As this was the October show, my mom […]

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