Dolly Review: Ever After High Madeline (Maddie) Hatter

Ever After High have it stores!  Well, Justice, at least.  When news first spread about these being out and about, my Justice had yet to re-open from a remodel.  However, as we drove through the mall yesterday to go to Toys R Us, we noticed the once empty Justice was filled with clothing– and people!  Needless to say, we dashed in and saw them.  Literally all four dolls sat on the shelf.

Apple, Raven, and Maddie

Apple, Raven, and Maddie

Now, I wasn’t about to spend $100 on all four, but I did pick up three.  Two are mine, one was payment to my Mom, who kindly picked up a Monster High doll (or two) for me this past week.  (Yes, we pay each other back with dolls occasionally!)

IMG_2281 copy

Look what I stumbled upon at Justice!

This first Ever After High review is on the doll that I most looked forward to– Madeline (Maddie) Hatter!  Seriously, she’s one of the most entertaining characters in the web series so far and her character design is fantastic.  To me, she’s a lot like the Pinkie Pie or Luna Lovegood of Ever After High.

Back of Box

Back of Box

A Bit About Maddie

A Bit About Maddie

A Bit About Maddie

A Bit About Maddie

Maddie Hatter

Maddie Hatter

What do Ever After High dolls come with?  As expected, Ever After High dolls come with a comb. The comb is kind of cool. It’s shaped like a key. Ever After High dolls also come with a stand (hidden inside the box).  I can hear you asking about the quality of said stand, seeing as Mattel doesn’t care about giving Monster High decent stands anymore.  Good news!  These stands are really good!  Much better than what we’ve seen on the MH front recently.  (Now give Mattel a few years with the Ever After gang and we’ll revisit this!)  The last ‘extra’ included is a bookmark/storybook that tells the story of the character.  Actually, the writing and storytelling within the storybook bookmark is pretty good and much longer than the MH journals, I believe.

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Maddie is a similar size to Howleen or Twyla, which was a happy surprise!  I love that size doll and didn’t know they were incorporating it so early into the Ever After dolls!

Maddie and Twyla

Maddie and Twyla

Notice the size difference

Notice the size difference

Unlike Monster High’s long faces that usually have exaggerated noses, chins or cheek bones, the Ever After High dolls seem to all have large, round, flat faces.  Maddie is no exception.  I love her round face!  It allows for a really awesome eye design.  They have that hand painted look, instead of the eye sticker look.  They’re also very large and over exaggerated, which I love.

Notice her round face

Notice her round face

See the differences between Venus (MH) and Maddie (Ever After)

See the differences between Venus (MH) and Maddie (Ever After)

Maddie’s colors seem to be purple and sea green (think Twyla green). Her hair is styled in tight curls.  Because her hair was pushed forward in the box, I had to do a bit of restyling in the back to remove some odd looking bald spots.  I don’t recommend using the comb on her hair unless you want to undo the curls.  If the sea green is anything like Twyla’s, it will be frizzier than usual if you decide to ooak up her hair style.

Back of Maddie's head

Back of Maddie’s head

It seems to me that Maddie has a similar body to her Monster High counterparts Howleen and Twyla.  She has the same amount of joints as those dolls and the limbs seem to be the same thickness.  I decided against comparing the dolls without clothing, as I like how my Maddie looks and don’t want to do something to screw her up.  Update: The Toy Box Philosopher went over the body differences in her review.  



2 Finger Ring on painted hands

2 Finger Ring on glove like hands

Tea Pot Shoes

Tea Pot Shoes

Headband Hat

Headband Hat

Maddie is decked out in a fun purple and teal dress decorated with gold embellishments.  It’s perfect for a tea party!  (And for future cosplayers!) Her outfit includes plastic cuffs that hang loose on her arms.  Maddie has molded hands that are designed to look like gloves.  She wears fantastic polka dotted leggings. To complete the outfit, Maddie wears spoon earrings, a large two finger ring, teal necklace, and tea cup headband. Her shoes look a bit like a tea pot, as does her handbag. Overall, a very fitting outfit for a quirky girl from Wonderland who speaks in riddles!

Ice Cream, anyone?

Ice Cream, anyone?

The only problem I see with Maddie is that my doll seems to have a wonky knee.  Her right knee bends, but it doesn’t bend as much as much as the other.  It’s because of this, I think, that her legs are actually two different sizes.  One is just a smidgen shorter than the rest which makes it a little harder to prop her up for photo ops.

Maddie and Apple

Maddie and Apple

The only other minor issue I found was that her tiny ring likes to slide off.  That worries me a bit, as I don’t want to lose it!  I wasn’t paying attention when I opened the box to see if I accidentally cut an elastic that I shouldn’t have, but keep an eye out when opening your doll.  It might be easier to just keep it on with elastic!

Maddie and Apple

Maddie and Apple

That being said, in the long run of possible problems, Maddie Hatter scores well!  If all the Ever After High dolls are as well made and creative as Maddie, then Mattel has a fantastic line on their hands!

New Meets Old

New Meets Old

Maddie Hatter

Maddie Hatter

Update: Here’s the video review!!!!

For all your YouTuber’s, the video review isn’t up yet, but will be soon!!!!   What do YOU think of Maddie Hatter? Share your thoughts below!

July 10, 2013. Tags: , . Uncategorized.


  1. Blackkitty replied:

    The body is very much different from Howleen:
    It’s a nice doll, but the lopsided eyes drive me insane! Am I the only one who can’t get past asymmetrical features?

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Thanks for the link! I’ve added it to the post. 🙂

      • Susie replied:

        Link : dolly confessions. I adore your website and I hope you get some more followers and subscribers xoxo Susie.

      • Susie replied:


    • kewpie83 replied:

      Usually I’m not a fan of asymmetrical features, either. But this is subtly enough and within character (for Maddie) that I love it!

  2. Molly replied:

    These dolls look really cool (and i kindof love that the new “thing” is to have an accompanying webshow for doll lines) but they’re faces all look so similar. Raven is my favorite so far as character and doll. Also, the Toy Box Philosopher did a nice piece on Maddie also and showed the differences in her body (she’s thicker than MH which is good in my opinion).

    • kewpie83 replied:

      I agree– I love the web series’ trend. Mattel has always been good at it, even way back when My Scene was out! Thanks for the info on The Toy Box Philosopher. I edited my post and linked to it, but unfortunately all the e-mail notifications are the orignal post. *oh, WordPress…*

  3. beastsbelle replied:

    I think Maddie is adorable, although I wish they’d given her a lighter facial expression, something to fit her fun, bubbly character on the show. 😉

    My local Justice FINALLY got these in today, and my mom picked up Raven and Maddie for me. I just got my review of Raven up on my blog, if you’re interested:

    Great review of Maddie, by the way! 🙂

  4. EDT replied:

    I just saw that these were BOGO at the Justice site. These dolls seem nice overall, and I think it’s a good alternative for kids whose mom’s don’t like the monster theme or outfits from the Monster High line. I kinda like Raven and Maddie, but I think I’ll just wait until they release some characters whose designs I like more. Maddie’s layered dress and polkadot tights are very Lalaloopsy. I also noticed that “the smallest one was Madeline”, like in the Madeline books, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

    • kewpie83 replied:

      What a coincidence! I don’t know how much of a deal the BoGo sale is… The full price of these dolls at Justice is, like, $36 bucks. The 40% brought it down to a better (less insane) price. But you could say that two for one at $36 is essentially the same thing as getting two at 40%… Justice is just so strange on pricing!!!!

  5. littlebearries replied:

    GAH! I want the Mad Hatter so badly! XD This was a really great, in-depth review, thank you so much!!! I’m hoping they show up around here soon 🙂

  6. pixiecollections replied:

    Maddie is by far the one I want the most. Shes so much fun!

  7. Doll Diaries Picks of the Week Ending July 13 — Doll Diaries replied:

    […] dolls and I love all the little details and references to important aspects of their stories. Confessions of a Doll Collector’s Daughter has a review of Madeline Hatter, too – I think these may be a popular […]

  8. Juliet XD replied:

    i like her!
    i truly don’t mean to be rude, but i Think her hands are are molded with blue vinyl, not painted blue. but i could be wrong.. XD

  9. beastsbelle replied:

    Justice has a “Buy One, Get One Free” promotion right now (good until the 15th-tomorrow-on all of their items, including the EAH dolls. So you can get two dolls for $36 plus tax. Just thought I’d mention that for anyone interested. 🙂

  10. Dolly Review: Ever After High Apple White | Confessions of a Doll Collectors Daughter... replied:

    […] they just re-opened and had a full stock of dolls on the shelves!!!  I’ve already reviewed Maddie Hatter, my favorite of the four dolls released.  Now, however, it’s time for Apple White to […]

  11. Niah replied:

    I went to Justice yesterday and they had the whole line. I was so torn between Apple and Maddie but I chose Maddie. And I have to say that I love her! I think my Maddie’s left leg is a few millimeter’s shorter then her right. Thanks for another great doll review!

  12. barbielea replied:

    I’m insane for this doll. Like really (and it’s mostly your fault too, great pics!). They are not on release in the UK yet, which is just cruel 😦

    • kewpie83 replied:

      He he he! I’m having fun taking out the playset we own and setting the dolls up in them! 🙂 I’m surprised they haven’t hit the UK yet! Right now, it is just Jusice people have spotted EAH. When they get a wider release, I’m sure you guys will get them!

      • Susie replied:

        You’re right it is surprising they haven’t hit stores in the uk yet I’m sure they have them now since they have hit other stores.

  13. Mismia replied:

    Is her eyebrow soposed to be like that it doesn’t really fit her personality

  14. Anonymous replied:

    i love this doll

  15. Anonymous replied:

    does anyone know how old she is as well as who are her friends?? have no idea why it’s not on the monster high link?!?!

  16. Anonymous replied:

    I love maddie!!!!

  17. Apple White and Madeline Hatter – Ever After High dolls! | Pixie Collections replied:

    […] some pictures of the dolls that I was the most excited to get. I have been drooling for months over everyones pictures and reviews of the new Ever After High dolls. Things don’t tend to get to Canada as […]

  18. tishandfipsyblog replied:

    How do you keep them clean out of the boxes? I’m scared to take mine out. X

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