The Demise of the Doll Magazine

Doll magazines are dying.  It’s troubling and personally pretty sad.  15 years ago, we had a multitude of titles to choose from on newsstand racks (Barbie Bazaar, Fashion Doll Quarterly, Haute Doll, Doll Reader, Dolls, Doll Collector, etc).  Now, we have at the most three strictly related to fashion dolls (ie: not plush or art dolls).  Dolls and Doll Reader merged and are published under Dolls with an occasional issue of Haute doll tossed in, as well as Doll Collector and Fashion Doll Quarterly (FDQ).

In the past, doll magazines were resources.  My mom has a library of Barbie Bazaar‘s and even out of date issues still hold information in their articles that are useful to this day as references.

Nowadays, however, most doll magazines are one time reads.  Just the other day, I read the most recent issue of Doll Collector.  It was skinny, just 63 pages total, and filled with very little content.  The majority of the pages were dedicated to OOAK dolls using reader photo submissions.  The actual articles were disappointing.  They were short, much too short to be informative.

On top of that, none of the articles pertained to current fashion lines and few were about vintage.  Most of the content was, as mentioned, reader submitted photos or club spotlight/convention blurbs, also submitted by readers. The blurbs that were about new doll lines were literally no longer than a paragraph and nearly verbatim to the dolls press release.  I know this because they mentioned the new Vampire Mystixx dolls and having reviewed them myself, I know what the press release and promo material mentioned.  It was very obvious it was a cut and paste job.

It took me no more than 15 minutes to read Doll Collector and honestly, nothing inside it shouted, “I need to buy this” and even worse, “I need to subscribe to this.”

Periodicals across the board are disappearing or lowering their standards, but doll magazines, due to the small number there were to begin with, seem to be disappearing more quickly.  Why is that? Here’s what I think is causing the demise of the doll magazine.

The Internet:

Back in the day, before nearly everyone had internet and home computers, doll manufacturers needed the magazines to get word out on new doll lines and doll happenings.  Now, all a doll company needs to do is post promotional material on their own website or blog.  They don’t need to send samples to magazines or give them much information at all because most users will find it on their own via website, blog, facebook page, etc.  So, in that respect, doll magazines are losing one of the strongest things they had coming to them– doll manufacturers.

On the same note, the fact that you could visit a blog just like this one and see reviews or images of products that are literally brand new is something magazines have truly never had.  It was far more forgiving when we didn’t have websites like flickr, blogs like this, and well, Google.

Cost Cuts:

The only reason I see that all these magazines are eating each other up and combining is lack of funds.  They’re probably getting less funding from doll manufacturers and with sites like eBay, aren’t getting many extra sale listings.

You can clearly see the cost cuts in the low page count month after month, the high subscription prices, and most obvious, the overall ‘rushed’ look of the doll magazines of today.

This cost cutting has, I think, led to less well written articles and less professional photo sessions.

Aging Audience:

This isn’t something that the magazine publishers can control.  It’s the truth that doll collecting is not a hobby for the young.  I think there is some hope that people may be coming into doll collecting at a younger age now, but at this point, most collectors I meet are at least 20 years older than me.  I only know a handful (from the internet) that were born after 1980.  So, it makes sense that subscriptions would be down.

On the same note, freelance writers who made their living writing for these magazines are, also, aging.  Writers with vast knowledge of vintage doll lines just aren’t writing anymore.

What might help these magazines survive a little bit longer?  Here’s what I think might help them gain the momentum they once had.

New Blood:

The most important part of a magazine?  Good, well written, informative articles.  These magazines need to find young blood, even if it means scouring the web and finding it.  More over, editors need to actually reply to those who inquire about freelancing.  It’s not a very good sign when you have to send query letters or sample articles multiple times because no one seems to remember getting them.

Photographers, too, need to be brought in.  Most of the images I saw in the Doll Collector I read were reader submitted or taken from the manufacturer.  Nothing looked shot just for the magazine.

New talent would open a new door for these doll magazines and might usher in a new era.

More Articles, Meaningful Pictures:

We have flickr for pictures and while I think pictures are a fantastic resource in magazines, one of a kind dolls created by John Smith in Michigan aren’t going to be something I want to look at ten years from now.

We need well written articles with meaningful pictures.  Things we can look back at ten years from now and think, ‘Wow, that article came in handy, again!’.

A good example of an article series I truly miss is “Pink Box” from Barbie Bazaar.  It was a very personable monthly article about Barbie’s that were considered playline or pink box.

Reader submitted pictures are fine and dandy, but I don’t think they need to take over an entire magazine.

More Diverse Doll Coverage:

Why not write for those who collect the popular dolls of today, as well as vintage dolls?  There are a ton of playline doll collectors out there, especially since Monster High hit shelves.  Why not have monthly articles for all kind of doll collectors?  Right now, certain issues will focus on vintage, others on BJD’s, others on playline, but why not get staff writers to write articles that touch upon these month to month so the doll coverage is diverse on a consistent basis?

I may be in the minority here.  Maybe I’m the only person who finds that doll magazines are losing their luster.  I truly hope that one day, there is a doll magazine that I think is good enough to subscribe to.  Right now, however, they’re hardly worth the 15 minutes it takes to read them.

What do you think of the current state of doll magazines?  Are they worth it?  What do you enjoy most about doll magazines?  What are they lacking now and how could publishers breathe new life into them?  Share your thoughts below!

January 15, 2013. Tags: . Uncategorized.


  1. discodiva1979 replied:

    You said it all and provided excellent advice I hope the editors heed. You are the NEW BLOOD-YOU should freelance.

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Thanks for the kind words! I’m trying my hardest to put together pieces that magazines may want!

  2. Laurie replied:

    Hi! I agree, it is pitiful. I am twelve years old and so into doll collecting. I do it all: American Girl, Ellowyne, Barbie (love the vintage ones), etc. I love to write, maybe when I grow up I will create a worth-while doll magazine that will really be worth people’s time. Collecting dolls is so great, especially for me, because you can play with the dolls (carefully, of course;I nearly exploded when one of my cousins almost dropped my vintage Barbie on the floor! :), and yet they can be a beautiful collection to look at!

    • mizzmoxie replied:

      You’re 12!? WOW, your writing is impressive!!! Really, I am very impressed. Keep up the good work!!!

      • kewpie83 replied:

        I was going to post a similar response, mizzmoxie! Laurie, I agree, I wouldn’t have pegged you at 12! If one of my friends dropped a vintage anything in my house, I *would* have exploded! 😉

        • mizzmoxie replied:

          Meee too! In fact I do this horrible thing: I IMAGINE people touching my dolls and I get mad! haha! So no one is allowed to touch my stuffs. 😛 hehe

    • Clara Azucena replied:

      Laurie, we need more teens that think and feel so profoundly like you. Since i was 6 six years old i felt in love with Barbie. i am an adult now and have tried to inspire that love to my nieces , sadly i have failed. its so hard to compete with a world that has become focused on a fickle and weak technology (IPads, Tablets,Kindles and what such) rather than imagination, creativity, respect ,appreciation and love for simple toys that truly make your gray matter develop and flow and your soul to love. today’s parents wish to see their kids compete with the kids of the Jones,rather than let a child be a child. I smiled at your reaction when your cousin dropped that most cherished valuable Barbie( its value is not only monetary ) . As a kid i felt the same like you too. Now , i am horrified when another adult non collector even touch or handle my cherished dolls- vintage or non vintage. I don’t let people touch my dolls. Best of luck and you are the future , I hope one day you succeed where i am failing:- to inspire your daughters to cherish dolls.

  3. mizzmoxie replied:

    I would love to subscribe to a doll magazine that is worthwhile, but living in Canada I find it IMPOSSIBLE to find any. I don’t know where to start. Could you help? That is, if there is a magazine out there that’s worthwhile now ;P

    • kewpie83 replied:

      You know, at this point in time, I don’t think any of them are really worth it.

      • mizzmoxie replied:

        Sorry I am replying to this so late! I never received an email! I guess I forgot to click the button 😛
        But that is good to know. I really appreciate your advice!!
        Come visit my blog if you’re ever bored. It’s all over the place but you might enjoy it! XOX

    • Clara Azucena replied:

      Dear mizzmoxie, today searching for a doll magazine to subscribe i came upon this website. Wow love it to be able to share my love for Barbie with others. Its true there is very little out there. however as a past subscriber to Barbie Bazaar magazine- which sadly is no longer being published , there are some old issues still available. check or simply type in your search engine Barbie Bazaar and another one may be Haute Doll.before you buy too many , just get one of each to see if you like what you get.

  4. Marjie Jones replied:

    I just happened upon a new e-magazine called “That Doll.” I really enjoyed it. I don’t know if they have many issues planned or not, and I don’t really like reading it on my computer, but it looks promising.

  5. Jessica Powell (@jess__powell) replied:

    Man, I wish editors would read this and take note! The content seems so scanty these days you can just skim it in the shop and not even bother buying it. I collect 12th scale too and, generally speaking, the 12th scale magazines are more useful even if they are getting thinner. Lots of tutorials and a range of articles, etc.

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Totally agree, Jess! Most magazines now take, maybe, 15 minutes to read and they’re pretty much one time reads. My mom just pulled out the original Barbie Bazaar and it was still a really informative read! It even had a re-rooting tutorial. It was, sadly, far more engaging than what we have now…

      • mizzmoxie replied:

        It had a re-root tutorial!? That is very impressive!

        • kewpie83 replied:

          I know. It wasn’t the knot methord or tool method. It was the other way one where you (somehow) loops the hair together inside the head.

          • mizzmoxie replied:

            AAH yes. It’s called….. the loop method.

  6. Nella replied:

    I haven’t looked at any doll magazines in person in years but I have two Haute Doll issues from 2008 or 2009. While they were thinner than I like, they had a wide variety of dolls and some tutorials. It’s sad to hear that the magazines are declining. I had noticed that they had less pages when I was looking online at maybe buying some back issues of Dolls.

    It would be wonderful if there was consistantly a wide coverage of different dolls. I personally only collect resin BJDs, though I’m interested in other types of dolls, so I often pick specific issues of collector magazines. More informative articles that warrented re-reading would be lovely. I’ve re-read my two issues a few times but that’s rare with most magazines.

  7. Anonymous replied:

    I, fortunately, took care and kept as all of my doll magazines:Doll Reader, Doll World, Dollmaking, and Teddy Bears and Friends. Doll Reader was and is the best doll magazine, thus far, ever produced. My Doll Readers are wonderful references, and some even had patterns for doll dresses as well as paper dolls. At our local doll show, I see collectors of all ages. I think interest in doll magazines fell when they became devoted almost exclusively to artist dolls which aen’t even dolls in my opinion. Who would actually play with them?

  8. Emily Hall replied:

    1996, yo!

  9. Jevne replied:

    I agree with Discodiva, I think you should write an article for a doll magazine. Perhaps you could write one about the demise of GOOD doll magazines!
    I would be interested in reading some informative doll blogs as opposed to the different yahoo groups that contain very little information, but I don’t know where to find them.

    • kewpie83 replied:

      I would love to write for a magazine. I’ve submitted a handful of articles to the current publications, but no one has gotten back to me regarding any of them. Honestly, I think they’re just using their ‘in house’ writers and don’t care much for outside talent. At least, that’s what I think. *sigh*

  10. Edna Foster replied:

    I have a large collection of Barbie’s. I don’t do anything with them anymore guess I lost interest in them. Not sure when I started collecting but it’s been a while haven’t bought any since 2000. I believe I started back In1990 some are play barbies some were expensive I have them all boxed up and take them out ever once in a while to see if they still look good and they do. I might be moving and I don’t have anyplace to put them downsizing my house I am 66 and would like to have. Someone to buy them and so they can have a good home, but not sure how to begin.

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Hi Edna! Unless you have a doll store in your area that may be able to purchase or slowly sell your collection, I would say your best bet is to take a look at selling your dolls on eBay or on the dolly specific Ruby Lane. Of course, you could also find a doll show near you and purchase a table if your collection is fairly large. Before you price anything, though, check eBay to see what the going prices look like. Also, it might be handy to pick up the most recent price guide you can find (understanding that the prices books mention and the prices dolls go for can be VERY different). As for me, if you stumble upon any Skippers, please let me know. 🙂

      Hope this helps!

    • Evi Mlck replied:

      I realize I had turned 60! Decided to really, really enjoy my fashion dolls, mostly my Gene and Silkstone dolls.

  11. Anonymous replied:

    I agree. There aren’t any decent doll magazines out there..New blood is needed. People with fresh new ideas. For example, doing something like adding in collector’s from around the world sharing photos and stories about their collection…..more doll shows are also needed where it brings together a whole community of doll collectors together which can help inspire more articles for doll magazines, plus it would build excitement once again for doll collecting. Also adding in some doll auctions, doll fairs etc. , anything that would help stimulate excitement in the world of dolls.

    • Eva Mlcak replied:

      You said it! Every since Gene got retired AFTER 2010, suddenly there are no more Gene doll conventions. And you’re right about so much. I sense it dying out there and also Gene is disappearing. Very, very sad. These past 4 years, I’ve been collecting the early Gene dolls.

      • kewpie83 replied:

        Gene’s a great doll. It was sad watching her fall from stardom.

  12. Sandra Smith replied:

    Great comments! Where I live in Canada, they don’t even have the magazines to purchase anymore at the magazine stands. I would say I can find them at 5% of the places I always went to. It truly is a dying art and artists are not producing them anymore due to the increased costs and inability to offer them for purchase at reasonable prices to collectors. So sad! Sandra

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Thanks for writing, Sandra! Sorry it’s been so hard for you to find magazines in Canada. If these magazines would change with the times, I think they’d have a chance of hitting their stride again. *sigh*

  13. Liz replied:

    If you like making doll or the actual art of creating one, I find Art Doll Quarterly to be very inspiring.

  14. Donna Schwellenbach replied:

    As a lifelong doll artist and collector –
    I feel it is not only the poor quality of the current doll magazines or the aging audience but the general demise of printed media in general.
    Look at the distress of the great newspapers like the New York Times or the Chicago Tribune. A friend of mine in the print media industry called
    me recently and lamented- “Print is Dead!”. The rise of the electronic media has rocked not only the world but the dollhouse as well! I feel dolls
    will always be important- as social icons- look at the massive cultural influence of “Barbie”. Everyone knows what you mean when you call a woman a “Barbie” but also as totems of what a culture finds important/values. The doll industry simply has to change- look at the new
    “Monster High ” dolls or the Vampire doll popularity- dolls are
    a culture’s secret anthropological/cultural “markers” and in some form they will always inhabit our toy store shelves and our subconscious
    Donna .

  15. deborah livingston replied:

    I agree with you 100%! When I got into dolls in the mid 90s there were many worthwhile magazines out there and they were usually a 1/2″ depth compared to the 60 pages now. There is very little to offer the reader and for the collector there isn’t any direction for we collectors to go! I’ve been faithful for nearly 20 yrs and each month is more disappointing than the last. I will not continue my subscription to Dolls magazine. I will be selling my collection in this awful market and forget about supporting anything to do with dolls. Its a sad day for the many collectors that have been left out of the market.

  16. Jean Blair replied:

    I loved the old Doll Reader. You had information on old or new dolls , Stores from reader and a lot more. I sold 10 years of back issues and they went fast, I did keep a few that had special patterns or articules I really wanted to keep . I’ve collected dolls for 5 years , now what do I do with them ?

    • kewpie83 replied:

      I don’t know. I guess it’s up to you to decide if you still want to hold on to them or pass them on to another collector. You must have a great collection, to be collection 50 years!

  17. Jean Blair replied:

    It should say 50 year !

  18. honeykira replied:

    “I truly hope that one day, there is a doll magazine that I think is good enough to subscribe to.”

    Hi there, Ashley!
    Excellent piece, by the way!
    I’ve read some of your blogs, and every article I’ve read would make for a great read in a magazine somewhere. Your articles are well written and presented, covering a variety of interesting subjects with great photos accompanying them, too!

    All that’s missing is, well, the magazine!

    I see that one of the previous commenters provided a link to a website which shows a couple of guys, with their bios, introducing their new on-line doll magazine.There’s not much in the way of content, just a couple of teaser articles which prompt the reader to enter into a paid subscription. Well…pfft.

    You, on the other hand, already have the journalistic talent and with a bit of further investigation, you could very well position yourself as the next Chief Editor (and owner) of a new and polished on-line doll magazine which would fill a ready-and-waiting niche market.

    I also clicked on some of the topics by other bloggers listed on the side panel, and I see a plethora of potential contributing writers — and you could harness the talents of those people, as well.

    Ashley, I believe you have what it takes to create a successful on-line business for yourself, and I would certainly encourage you to explore this option.

  19. Ann Van Arnum replied:

    If you could join UFDC, the United Federation of Doll Clubs, you would be able to get their outstanding magazine, Doll News. Look them up on the web. Ann Van Arnum

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Thanks for the info. I’m not part of a doll club, so I don’t think I’d fit in well with the UFDC.

  20. ghouliette replied:

    I loved Barbie Bazaar. I discovered Gene and Candi Girls through ads in BB. I wish i had saved those issues. And I agree with you about the present state of doll magazines – no real articles or informative news anymore. How many photos of collectors’ doll dioramas do we want/need to see?

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Right! Mags used to have good, useful articles. Nowadays, magazines are filled with expensive art dolls or articles that are cut and pasted from press releases.

  21. therese replied:

    I was wondering if you can help
    I have a collection of franklin mint Gibson dolls and I am unable to find
    any information at all I am putting together as much as I can for the future
    no one seems to know any thing i really need some help
    I need to know where franklin advertised the night at opera porcelain
    doll and what year dates on a letter are not enough if it can not be backed up with proof I have bought a decades worth of doll readers
    from 87 to 1999 and i cannot find her any where I am also
    looking for gabriella at the races as well images from google are not enough
    if there is no date
    please look on franklin mint dolls my pictures are there with the advertising
    I have found they are all dated with pictures of the catalogues they were
    advertised in and the doll readers they were advertised in
    the name is under stopmejohn I have not finished yet
    as I need to tell they brought out 2 anniversary brides and one is a knock off
    of the other they are very different and I have photos to show that
    yours sincerely
    Australia calling

    • kewpie83 replied:

      Sorry, I don’t know much about Franklin Mint, either. For prices, I would just check your dolls against ebay and see what’s selling (or what isn’t selling).

  22. Anonymous replied:

    First of all, this blog entry was posted on the FB pages of Dolls and Haute Doll magazine so you may receive new comments on a post you had written two years ago.

    But my main reason for posting a comment was to ask why was there no mention of Miller’$ on this blog? Indeed, Miller’$ had ceased publication in the early 2000s but, as a writer and regular contributor to Miller’$, I find the omission to be a bit hurtful. We worked hard to bring a new perspective to doll magazines. Many of our articles celebrated the smallest details, things that might not matter to muggles outside the doll world but that do mean something to collectors. We looked at vintage dolls to detect variations and determine if there were patterns. We also did behind-the-scenes interviews to find out what made people like Robert Tonner or Mel Odom tick. I think we were successful even though we did not last.

    Today, all the aspiring doll writer needs to do is to start his/her own blog. In many ways that is preferable to having to adhere to the rigid schedules or page limits of a magazine. It also gives the author the freedom to write about whatever he/she wants instead of having to cover dolls in which the author has absolutely no interest. Perhaps this is just another stage in the evolution of information…

    • kewpie83 replied:

      The goal of this post was to draw attention to the current problems with today’s doll magazines. It wasn’t intended to be a comprehensive list of doll magazines published. I’m sorry I left out Millers, but, to be honest, I hadn’t heard of that magazine until you mentioned it. Keep in mind, in the 90’s, when Millers and many other doll magazines were at their height, I was in grammar school and junior high. The magazines I was most interested in at that time were Teen Beat and the like. It wasn’t until the mid 2000’s that I started browsing the shelves for doll magazines and by that time, it seems Miller’s wasn’t on the shelves in my area or had been discontinued. I didn’t not include Miller’s on purpose, it just isn’t a magazine I remember seeing on bookstore shelves. It’s the same reason I left out Doll Castle. I haven’t seen it at any of my local bookstores, so until a few months ago, I didn’t know it existed. I applaud you for all your hard work on what seems like a very informative, diverse magazine. You definitely showed your passion for the hobby in your comment and that is what is keeping the hobby of doll collecting alive.

      In many ways, the things you described that were great about Millers are what I strive to cover on this blog. You’re right about the medium changing. Doll collecting isn’t the only hobby to lose their print publications, but it was hit very hard. I only hope that the few that are around today survive and the way they’ll survive, I believe, is if they change with the times.

      Thanks for your comment! 🙂

  23. Charlotte Trayer replied:

    I didn’t see any mention of the only doll magazine worth subscribing to, IMO, and that is Doll Castle News. They do have a website ( or you can order by mail. A single issue is $6.95, 1 year is $23.95, 2 years, $45.95. They cover a variety of REAL dolls, both old and new, as well as a doll appraisal column, a paper doll, and usually a pattern or some kind of craft. For example, the May/June issue (which I happened to grab) has articles about Strawberry Shortcake and friends, Cissy, G.I. Joe, and early papier-mache’ dolls, as well as some auction and convention coverage, and patterns for a skirt for LeeAnn and a basic sundress for 21″ dolls. I love Doll Castle News, and have subscribed for many years!

    • Charlotte Trayer replied:

      I should add, they have been publishing for 54 years, and the magazine is still family-owned.

    • kewpie83 replied:

      I just stumbled upon the website for Doll Castle. Because I haven’t seen it any stores, it was completely off my radar. It does seem to have variety!

      • Charlotte Trayer replied:

        It does. You could order just one issue to see if you like what you see before you subscribe. It’s kind of like Doll Reader used to be, in that there are numerous articles, letters to the editor, a column for identifying your doll, and usually a sewing project, craft and/or paper doll! Sometimes, there’s even a recipe! There are Some ads, but nothing like you find in most magazines nowadays.

        I don’t think they sell in magazine sections of stores; I’ve only seen them in doll shops–back when some of us still Had doll shops! I think that’s where I found my first one.

  24. Anonymous replied:

    For those wishing for a wonderful doll magazine, join UFDC as a member at large and receive their quarterly magazine. It has informative articles and covers a range of different dolls.

  25. NP replied:

    I agree with many of your points and think of this as a kind of sad state of the (ongoing) death of print media.

    It’s the truth that doll collecting is not a hobby for the young.

    I respectfully disagree.

    I won’t even just go by my own experience (I started collecting and being involved with doll fandom stuff when I was in my mid-teens).

    While it does depend on what doll it is (teenagers are less likely in my experience, to collect Marie Osmond’s latest porcelain offerings as they are to, say, Monster High or Liv), overall, people under not only forty, but thirty, and twenty are collecting and getting into a headspace thanks to many internet communities (and basically seeing they aren’t alone at all in their so-called “weird” hobby) that they aren’t afraid to admit they collect and to celebrate that fact.

    Tumblr has a strong youth population (especially late teens, early twenties, and just as strong a doll collector/customizer community and fandom. Those who grew up with Boomers and the mentality of “nostalgia” purchases (can we say “repro Barbie”?) now are having children of their own and a significant amount are keeping their own collections, nurturing an even more accepting attitude towards (and even bigger marketing for) doll collecting.

    The blogger Nethilia has a really great take on the issue of doll collecting and age (although she’s looking at it from the “dolls are only for children” angle) here, very worth a read.

  26. Trisha Andrews replied:

    I’ve just read your blog on the demise of of doll magazines, especially those devoted exclusively to fashion dolls such as Barbie, Bratz, Monster High, celebrity and character dolls as well as others that have come and gone including Dawn, Darci, Tiffany Taylor, Tuesday Taylor, Crissy, Tressy, Tammy and so much more.

    Since 1994, I’ve been a huge collector of Barbie, friend and family dolls as well as favorite celebrities like Selena, Shakira and Fran Drescher as “The Nanny.” I even played with fashion dolls when I was a child, and I can still remember my mother giving me my first doll in the Barbie line, Malibu Francie, back in 1971 when she came home from Georgia visiting my grandparents (her parents). I was five years old at the time.

    I still do have a few issues of Barbie Bazaar, dating back to 1998. I plan to buy back issues of that magazine along with Haute Doll so I can reminisce on buying my favorite dolls from the ’70s to the 2000s. I’m also going to subscribe to Dolls magazine earlier next year so I can keep abreast of the new releases as well as catching up on old favorites. Seeing dolls on the internet is okay, but I rather turn the glossy pages of a magazine.

    Again, thanks for the interesting story and I hope that we will see new magazines devoted to our favorite hobby sometime in the future.

  27. lindapressman replied:

    As a collector from the 1990s on, I’m sure that besides the challenges of print media in an Internet world, another huge factor would be declining advertising revenues. I watched the boxed Barbie market fall to pieces around me – I still have all the dolls to prove it! The market, once on the rise, plummeted, and never really regained its traction. I thought when I finally got the energy to sell off my gigantic collection I’d just rejoin the doll world but, much to my surprise, it was gone, including my beloved Barbie Bazaar.

    By the way, I have Skippers!

  28. lily replied:

    I started my collection before I was a tween. I’m a young adult now and collect all types of dolls.

  29. Ina Springer replied:

    Daughter of a collector, eh? As am I…I could send you pictures that would blow your mind in using square footage in cubic terms. Have you checked out Doll Clubs? My momma was also a Doll doctor, doll maker. Left me with much custom made stuff, publications, patterns, supplies, cut out patterns by the boxes full. I am in process of a huge project and would love to make connections with a budding talent in restoration/creation to help each other out. There could be lifetime’s worth of doll blogging in my midst.

  30. nancy michel replied:

    am a doll maker and have a garage full of molds that I pour with porcelain. I built a doll house, fully electric, for my miniature dolls. I can not tell you how many molds and doll magazines that I have but would like to find someone that would be interested in having them.. Just hate the thought of throwing out all of these publications back when they were so informative.
    I also create cloth dolls, all of which have a story about them….fun, fun and more fun.
    I am too old to keep all of these things so please let me know if you are interested in any of the above. I reside in St. Petersburg, Fl.

    • Ina Springer replied:

      good grief…I too, live in the burg. We should meet, if we haven’t already…lol…you probably knew my mama.
      I’m on FB and (Old Southeast).

  31. Bookworm replied:

    DOLL NEWS magazine, mentioned in prior comments, is really the best doll magazine I have ever seen. I have been collecting dolls all of my life and reading doll magazines since the 1990s and have never come across a better designed or more informative magazine about dolls. There is a high quality paper doll in every issue, expertly written articles, and gorgeous photography that appears to be done especially for the magazine.

    You do not have to be part of a doll club or attend meetings of any kind. I do neither. I pay the yearly fees directly to the UFDC to receive the quarterly magazine alone. It is WELL worth the price. You can see some digital issues online on the UFDC website.

  32. Roberta Walsh replied:

    Magazine editors don’t know how to get younger readers without losing their older readers. I am in several collecting groups on FB. In one group there are two older collectors who have serious in-depth knowledge and inside information at least about the older collectibles. When there is a question about something they are familiar with, one or both contribute some details — usually hard-to-find info not available on the Internet. I was stunned when one of the newbies complained about them and several others agreed and they have all blocked the two. So the perception is that only old people want in-depth information while young people only want tweets.

  33. Shelbyjeansimpson replied:

    I think it’s a shame not go to Wal-Mart’ and buy a doll magazine I am very sad I am a doll collector and I love to read my books and my magzines

  34. Wilma Laircey replied:

    I used to look forward to getting doll magazines. I love the composition dolls and love to find articles with pictures of them as they originally looked. I can’t afford mint condition dolls and will be using these photographs to restore the ones I have. I especially need photos of their faces to see how they were painted. Also a few clothing patterns are appreciated. The last few times I bought doll magazines I didn’t find anything useful in them and just threw them away instead of keeping them as references like I did the earlier ones.

    • kewpie83 replied:

      I haven’t picked up a doll mag for a long time. It’s kind of sad! That was one of the things I looked forward to doing as an adult, subscribing to a doll magazine. 😦

  35. pattiodolls replied:

    I used to wait anxiously for the new Barbie Bazaar and Miller’s doll magazine I like fdq but just thought it was ok and that didn’t stay in publication very long and not sure if there are any left my collecting started with the 88 holiday Barbie now it’s Fashion Royalty I have to go online to see what’s new is coming out and unless you have a long time dealer it’s hard to get anything new EBay is ok but overpriced wish we had magazines again and but they are all gone and of course Barbie Bazaar to bad it’s sad

    • kewpie83 replied:

      We still have Dolls, but even that is mostly ads. :/ It is sad!

  36. dreamsabundant replied:

    I’ve been searching for doll mags to advertise in as I’ve taken the old craft of button dolls and brought them up to date with the themes of Angel’s, fairies and witches. It seems theres not much left to be honest. Even if we have websites we need to find out where the doll collectors hang out and use magazines to entice traffic. There are so many new doll artists who need this resource. I’ve created a ten piece dragonfly fairy collection for my new website Wings of Enchantment which is to be launched soon, and it would have been lovely to get featured and advertise in a doll magazine. I love physical magazines but everything is digital download these days. If anyone knows of a decent doll magazine please let me know

  37. April replied:

    Lol. Stumbled across your article. You are NOT alone in noting the sad demise of doll mags. I “duscoveted” Barbie Baxaar when I was 29. I had a garabsmorher whi was a vintage folk collector her whole life. I collected barbies forever because if her. Great stories. I was gobsmacked to discover “other collectors” of Barbie and it prompted me to resume my childhood collecting. Now, 25 years later, I OFTEN think of using my publishing writing, design, marketing in multi-media including internet( to “bring back” the fun with a fashion doll mag online you are right – blogs; websites alm create new opportunities to share a hobby and make print publications less responsive… BUT an online flip-style mag could have web links to such websites (ie: contributors, blogs, advertisers) and could easily be a collaborative project.
    However, I am not retired and time has always been in short supply… but I would be happy to be a part of a team project and supply articles, photos, content as well as technical experience. Just tossing it “out there”.
    With the current COVID 19 restrictions and subsequent cancellations of doll shows and conventions – now might be a good time to launch.

  38. Cindy DeHoff replied:

    Hi, I ran across your blog just now. I’ve been a doll collector since 1968, when I was in jr. high school, so I’ve seen a lot. If you still seek a quality magazine, join the United Federation of Doll Collectors, Inc. They publish a magazine, Doll News, for members only and it just keeps getting better and better, crammed full of informative articles and yummy color photography. Issues show up on eBay so you can buy one and sample it. Past issues are readable online in the UFDC archives for research.
    UFDC sponsors clubs world-wide, holds a week-long National Convention each year. 2022 is in St. Louis. There are several online UFDC Events each year and individual Regions host Conferences, Luncheons, and Shows & Sales. My doll club, The Ohio Valley Doll Collectors Club just celebrated our 70th year as a club. There are on-line clubs and because of Covid, you can attend Zoom doll meetings with fascinating programs all over the country, simply by signing up.
    UFDC is also on Facebook as are a number of individual clubs. New members are always welcome, no matter what kind of dolls you collect!

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