Dolly Review: Ever After High Alistair Wonderland

Alistair, son of Alice from Alice in Wonderland, was one of those Ever After High dolls I really wanted to add to my collection. Last month I did, along with Kitty and Bunny!

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

Alistair is pretty awesome, to say the least. I really like his look! He’s decked out in a blue and brown color scheme. While I wouldn’t automatically put those colors together, I love the contrast.

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

The dark blue looks great with the off white tank top and dark brown pants. The three-quarter sleeves, which could easily look ‘girly’, were done just right! I especially love Alistair’s boots.

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

Alistair has rooted golden yellow hair.  I personally would have preferred some dirty blonde highlights to break up the base color. However, the factory hair looks nice, too.

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

It’s styled well, though I must warn you– if you have a choice of Alistair’s, make sure to double check the hairdo’s.  I have a feeling his style, due to the gel, could look really weird if it was quickly/poorly packaged.

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

His face is nice and clean.  Alistair has thickly painted brown brows, blue eyes and natural lips.  His skin tone is more porcelain than other male Ever After High dolls we’ve seen.

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

He comes with a molded plastic dark brown canteen.  I love the design and think this is a great prop.

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

Overall, I like how Alistair came out.  I would have loved a dark blonde highlight in his hair to add a bit of depth to his hairstyle, but the outfit and face look great.

Ever After High Wonderland Trio

Video Review on Kitty, Bunny and Alistair below:

What do you think of Ever After High’s Alistair?  Share your thoughts below!

July 31, 2015. Tags: , . Uncategorized.


  1. Robotica replied:

    i saw one Alistair at ToysRUs. His skin was a strange orange color. His hair was bleh. I wasn’t impressed at all so I left him in the store. Everything about the female EAH dolls are imaginative and exciting, especially on the new dolls coming out. They get better and better with each new character. The same cannot be said for the male dolls. It’s as if they aren’t even trying and don’t care because they’re so few of them. Each one that’s been released has been blander than the last one.

  2. Cessi replied:

    Thanks for a nice and detailed review (as always) 🙂
    I really like the look of Alistair, all three of the Ever After high boys look nice.

    These new dolls have not reached the stores around here, we only have the first dolls available.
    I kind of want to buy him and Bunny, Faybelle, Duchess Swan and Rosabella. but I haven’t really started to collect the ever after dolls yet. I have been sitting on the fence about them for the longest time now.
    I have Ashlynn and Hunter, but haven’t liked the look of the others enough to buy them so far.
    (My collection is built around Monster High and Baby Face, with a few pullips and Blythes.)

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