Tonner Doll Company No More

As of December 31st, 2018, the Tonner Doll Company shuttered it’s doors. Here’s what we know, in Robert Tonner’s own words, from an e-mail to those on the mailing list for the doll company.

“I was lucky enough to start Tonner Doll at a point when it seemed that everyone was collecting, making, buying or selling dolls. At the same time, the Far East was willing and eager to produce whatever we wanted at a price that couldn’t be beat. High demand and inexpensive, quality production led to the golden age of collectible dolls and great success for Tonner Doll.

It’s often said that the only thing you can count on is change; I whole heartedly agree with that statement. I could go on and on about the changes in the collectible doll industry, but in short, the business model that I used to build Tonner Doll is no longer viable or sustainable. Therefore, Tonner Doll Company (including the Tonner Doll web site, doll hospital, phones and emails) was closed as of December 31, 2018.”

He goes on to say that Phyn and Aero, his current brainchild, isn’t going anywhere and that he will still be very active in the doll world.

“Through Phyn and Aero, I’ll be working directly with our favorite retailers to create unique and exclusive dolls (look for the first Ellowyne out this Spring). I will continue to design for and attend events throughout the year (Dollology, Shaker Doll Club, Doll Circle and UFDC to name a few). At Phyn and Aero I will also continue to develop new product; we’ll be doing small batch, design driven products. Rayne, a new character with unique (and I mean unique) accessories will debut around Toy Fair. In addition, I am working on design projects with other companies (I just did a huge amount of work for FAO; that was both a challenge and a delight). I think it’s going to be a very busy, very exciting 2019!”

Now, I would be lying to say that I was shocked by this news. For the past year, there’s been a lot of question marks surrounding the Tonner Doll Company and production was noticeably lighter than in their heyday. I’m not a Tonner collector and never really have been, though I own a few of them. The prices were always too high for me to warrant buying most of them and ‘high fashion’ dolls aren’t my thing.

Reading his statement, I feel like the changes in manufacturing aren’t what’s really to blame for the closing of his company of 28 years. (I’d rather the people making my dolls be paid fair wages than have my dolls be made in places that don’t pay fairly, so if that’s why prices went up for production, seems like something that shouldn’t be used as an excuse, in my opinion.) Of course, that’s just my opinion and an assumption, having no knowledge of the inner-workings of the company.

Looking at the company from a collectors perspective, I think the real downfall of Tonner Doll Company is that they didn’t change with the times and trends in the doll world quick enough and when they did, the dolls were too expensive for the majority of us collectors. While I’m excited Tonner mentioned (briefly) in his memo that Ellowyne will be re-emerging in the spring from Phyn and Aero, I’m fairly convinced she’ll be out of my price range. But, maybe this means one day we can get some friends for my favorite Tonner doll Maudlynne Macabre?

Will you miss Tonner Doll Company? Is this announcement a surprise to you? Share your thoughts in the comment area.

January 3, 2019. Tags: . Uncategorized. 30 comments.

Review: Instant Glam Styling Head Dolls

As mentioned in the most recent ChiTAG report, at the show, I met the creator of a new and innovative styling head doll called Instant Glam. With three styling heads available in different skin tones and looks, there’s bound to be an Instant Glam doll for you or for the children in your life. Usually styling heads are pretty simple. Hair is permanently attached, whether it’s rooted or wigged, allowing you to style the hair.

Instant Glam takes that concept one step further by allowing you to change the color and texture of the hair whenever you’d like through the use of an innovative fastening technology. The styling heads essentially have velcro strips lining the head. The strips are secured well to the dolls head and don’t come off as you apply and remove hair to them.

They come with hair that’s cut in short strips of varying lengths that you can fasten to the velcro. After adding a few strips of hair, mixing and matching however you’d like to, you’ve got your very own 100% unique look.

I like the concept of this styling head and see imaginative kids and collectors of styling heads finding Instant Glam dolls fun! The variety of hair colors and textures is nice, as well. Now, I know what some of you are going to say– and I agree– one of the faces looks very similar to another doll brand. We asked about this. While there is a striking resemblance between a certain popular doll line and Instant Glam’s Fashionista styling head, it’s just a coincidence.

Watch the video review below!

You can purchase an Instant Glam Doll for yourself online. I would recommend picking up some extra hair packets, because the basic doll comes with limited styling options. What do you think of Instant Glam Dolls? Let us know in the comment area!

December 3, 2018. Tags: . Uncategorized. 1 comment.

Christmas Tree Decorations- Dolls Galore!

It’s that time of the year again– the Christmas tree is up and decorated! Over the many Christmases I’ve been on this earth, I’ve gathered quite the collection of doll and toy themed ornaments. Here’s a few of the ones you’ll spot on the tree this year, including the 2018 Skipper doll limited release ornament from Hallmark.

Let’s talk about this limited release for a moment. Hallmark did a wonderful job on their 2018 Skipper Doll ornament, which was first made available at the 2018 Keepsake Ornament Premiere event held at Gold Crown stores. I adore it. They captured the innocence of the original 1964 Skipper doll so well. The ornament itself comes with the a (plastic) blonde reproduction Skipper doll and reproduction box. You can hang them together, with Skipper in her box as seen below, or separately. At 1.46″ (width) x 4.68″ (height), Skipper will not  be going back into the Christmas ornament box once the holiday season ends, but instead will be placed in my case, just in case I need a doll sized Skipper for a photo or two! Now, if only Hallmark had released her in brunette and titian, as well!

Many of my ornaments continue the doll theme. Did you know that Hallmark has been making Madame Alexander ornaments since 1996? I don’t have all of them, but over the years I have received or picked up quite a few!

There’s a certain charm to the Madame Alexander ornaments, don’t you think? Here’s just a few more ornaments that I put on the tree this year! If it wasn’t apparent that I was a product of the 80’s (who ‘grew up’ in the 90’s), well, it is now!

Do you have doll themed ornaments on your Christmas tree? Do you have a favorite ornament (doll or otherwise)? Share it in the comment area!

November 29, 2018. Tags: . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Truly Outrageous Funko Pops!

If you didn’t guess from the title of this post, Funko has added two truly outrageous characters to their popular Funko Pop! line– Jem and Pizzazz from the classic 80’s cartoon and iconic Hasbro doll line Jem and the Holograms.

They are available now wherever Funko Pop’s are sold. You can also purchase a Jem Funko Pop signed by Samantha Newark, the speaking voice of Jem, via her website. These may make great stocking stuffers for the Jem and the Holograms fan in your life! What do you think of these new Funko Pops? Who’d you like to see produced next in Pop form from the Jem series? Let us know in the comment area!

November 28, 2018. Tags: . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

The Chicago Toy and Game Fair 2018 (ChiTAG)

Recently, my mom and I attended the Chicago Toy and Game Fair. Celebrating toys and games of all shapes and sizes, the game fair is unique among other toy shows. It is aimed at families and inventors, as opposed to industry buyers. Held at Navy Pier, ChiTAG has been going strong for over 10 years. It’s not a great place to see what’s new in the doll world, but it is a fun event to attend if you’re in the Chicagoland area, especially if you have young kids.

Welcome to the Chicago Toy and Game Fair at Navy Pier!

The best thing about ChiTAG this year for us was that our friend Frances brought her A Girl for All Time dolls to the show. As far as industry friends go, Frances is the best! Plus, it’s always fun seeing A Girl for All Time dolls and their accessories in person! (You can see plenty of reviews on this doll line on my YouTube channel or here on the blog!) Live video from their booth found here.

There was only one other doll company at the show and that was Instant Glam Dolls. Instant Glam Dolls is a line of styling heads with a unique twist! Instead of just being able to style their hair, Instant Glam Dolls use innovative fastening technology that allow you to switch out hair extensions or change the hair texture and color whenever you’d like. This line was invented by a grandmother who thought it would be a fun thing for her granddaughters. A few years ago, she brought it to market. There are three styling heads available and accessory packs with more hair extensions to expand your play options! You’ll be seeing them on my YouTube channel and here on the blog soon!

Besides these two doll lines, the other things I found cool were mostly game related. Golden Bell Studios brought some of their games. They’re working on two Once Upon a Time games (a card game and a board game) and a heart like the ones used on the show (which I assume is a plushie, but am not sure). They also had the adorable Marshfellows.

I-Top by Goliath was pretty neat, too. It’s a play on an old classic- spinning tops. These spinning tops are decked out with a counting system to tell you how many turns your top has spun. It also keeps the ‘high score’ so you know what you need to beat for a new personal best or to play alongside your friends!

Here’s a few more photos from the show!

ChiTAG, while it isn’t attended by many large toy companies and usually has very few dolls on display, is a fun event for those in the area. Visit the website to learn more about The Chicago Toy and Game Fair. Share your comments about the toys in this post below. Do you have a show like the Chicago Toy and Game Fair in your area? Share it in the comment area!

November 28, 2018. Tags: , . Uncategorized. 3 comments.

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